Duo in hospital after assault by 50 Mat Rempits

Sunday, March 1, 2009


KUALA LUMPUR: Two men had to be hospitalised after they were allegedly beaten up by about 50 Mat Rempits who then robbed them in Jalan Pahang, Titiwangsa, near here.

According to one of the victims, Parminder Singh, the incident was supposedly witnessed by a man who looked like a plain-clothes police officer, as he was in possession of a firearm.

“The man not only did nothing to help us but instead urged the assailants to beat us harder,” said Parminder. 21.

The incident happened in the wee hours of last Wednesday when Parminder along with his friend, Sunildip Singh, 25, were travelling in a car towards the city when suddenly a Mat Rempit swerved in front of them and demanded they stepped out of the vehicle.

“When we alighted, we found ourselves suddenly surrounded by about 50 Mat Rempits. Some of them accused us of ramming into the guy who swerved in front of us,” said Parminder.

Without warning, several of the Mat Rempits began beating them with helmets, iron rods and knuckle dusters.

Sunildip, who had his jaw fractured in three places, said there was no way to defend themselves as more Mat Rempits joined in the assault, adding that he fainted soon after.

The mob then took his wallet and cellphone.

Sentul OCPD Asst Comm Zakaria Pagan confirmed the incident but said the victim did not mention anything about seeing a plain-clothes policeman at the scene of the assault.

“Investigations are under way. We estimated the number of Mat Rempits to be around 20 based on the victim’s report.”

ACP Zakaria said the police would contact the victim to obtain more details on the alleged policeman.
