Home CCTV catches robbery

Saturday, March 28, 2009


TERRIFYING photos that you rarely see.

These bone-chilling pictures show a daring, murderous attack in progress.

The brazen assault, carried out with lighting speed and split-second timing, was captured in horrific detail by the family’s CCTV cameras and raises concerns about neighbourhood security.

The 78-second clip posted on the video-sharing website YouTube showed the attack in all its alarming clarity.

In the incident at Taman Maluri, Cheras, six men, ominously clad in black, rode in on three motorcycles. They stopped in front of the house belonging to 37-year-old clerk Candy Teoh and her
husband Lim Gim Leong, 40, just as the couple’s friend, Alvin Chua, 39, pulled up in front of the house for a visit.

As Chua got out of his Nissan Cefiro and walked to the front gate, he noticed one of the six men getting off his motorcycle. He had a machete in his hand.

That’s when Chua ducked and took off running towards his friend’s house. The assailant was close on his heels, swinging at him and just barely missing.

Just seconds earlier, Teoh had driven in and parked her Toyota Altis in the porch after doing some grocery shopping.

Her husband was at work at the time. The couple’s Indonesian maid was in the middle of closing the wrought-iron gates when she saw Chua being chased by a parangwielding man. She panicked,
fumbled for the lock and then ran for her life, with Chua close behind.

In his haste, Chua lost his footing and fell to the ground.

Meanwhile, Teoh, terrified and fearing for her life, sat frozen in the car as the assailants took control of the situation.

The 78-second footage showed two men entering the compound, taking valuables from Chua. The others on two bikes cordoned off and secured the area. They could be seen in the background,
positioning their bikes to enable them to make a quick getaway.

At least two men inside the compound were armed with machetes. They all had their crash helmets on.

One of the men who had entered the compound then saw Teoh, cowering inside her Altis.

“He told my wife to open the door and threatened to smash the windows if she refused. After my wife did as she was told, he pointed the machete at her and demanded for her money,” said Lim.

After grabbing the loot, the men sped off on their bikes, heading off in one direction. Teoh was clearly still traumatised by the incident that happened on March 16 at 2.57pm and refused to talk
to Malay Mail.

Lim said his wife lost her handbag, RM30 and other items such as her handphone, her MyKad and credit cards.

Chua lost his wallet , which contained RM300, his handphone, credit card and MyKad.

A report was lodged at the Cheras police station.

Malay Mail, March 27, 2009