When a Mat Rempit is not a Mat Rempit

Sunday, April 26, 2009


KUALA LUMPUR: The Mat Rempit are a feared lot. They are a nuisance to fellow road users, they participate in illegal street racing and perform dangerous stunts, such as the wheelie, superman (lying flat on the seat), and scorpion (standing on the seat with one leg during a wheelie).

But who is a Mat Rempit? Even the police don’t seem to know.

With the Mat Rempit linked to criminal activities such as gangsterism, gang robbery, street fighting, assault, vandalism, theft and road-bullying, it seems they may not be Mat Rempit after all.

Federal Criminal Investigation Department Director Comm Datuk Seri Bakri Zinin said if a person, regardless of race, age or position in society are involved in criminal activities, they are criminals. The same goes to the Mat Rempit.

He said there are several reasons why youngsters are involved in illegal street racing.

The youngsters claim there is no proper place for them to relax during their spare time.

“They told us (police) that wherever they go they have to pay; and that is why they are involved in illegal racing, just to release tension and relax,” he said, adding that they don’t have to pay for illegal racing.

However, the police are against the Mat Rempit especially when it comes to public safety.

This is because they are involved in criminal activities, causing injuries and even deaths to their victims in some cases.

Comm Bakri said it was very difficult to track down these people as the police could only take action according to the law.

“We can’t be arresting all the Mat Rempits as not all of them are involved in criminal activities.

“When we arrest them, they admit being involved in illegal racing and not in criminal activities. And we don’t have proof that they are criminals,” he added.

He urged the public to furnish the police with information to eradicate the nuisance created by Mat Rempit.

Comm Bakri also urged parents to be aware of their children’s movements.

“Parents play a very important role in educating their children,” he stressed.

In a statement released by Bukit Aman yesterday, it was stated that 77 operations were conducted against the Mat Rempit since January with 181 of the bikers arrested.

Source: The Star, 22 April 2009